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Nikolai Shmatko
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The King of Marble Nikolai Shmatko congratulated Donald Trump with his victory
The King of Marble decided to sell sculptured "heads" of influential politicians. The author would like to sell the sculptured head of Barack Obama
Nikolai Shmatko: "I just looked at his face, and the heavenly powers told me that he – Donald Trump – would become the President of the USA"
Nikolai Shmatko added a new work called "The Default" to his gallery. The sculpture itself symbolizes a difficult state of a wide stratum of the population, culture, science...
During the year I made requests to the local and state authorities asking them to give me a plot of land on which I could build my studio and...
Nikolai Shmatko addresses to the philanthropists for their help
Civil blockade continues, but the creative work brooks no stagnation
Complete crush of hopes of the King of Marble in Zakarpatye
The Princess of Saudi Arabia "took up her residence" in the gallery of Nikolai Shmatko
King of Marble has prepared a sculpture of Bacchus for the "Red Wine" Festival
Nikolai Shmatko has already mentioned several times that after his relocation to Zakarpatye he is experiencing a new burst of energy and feelings. A new...
"We have never seen such a thing in Mukachevo before", – those who visited Nikolai Shmatko's exhibition said
The person who started to help the sculptor was Viktor Baloga. He rendered assistance not in words, but in practice. He proposed Nikolai Gavrilovich to move to Zakarpatye together with his family and to start...
I am interested in bright, talented, extraordinary personalities, and, in my opinion, Volochkova is the personality of the 21 century
Thanks to the support of the governor Vladimir Pristyuk we were able to present the art of the Luhansk region on the world…
King of Marble will show the culture of the Luhansk region in Monaco
King of Marble will present the bust of Princess of Monaco Charlene at the international art fair Art Monaco'12
The sculpture "Trap" (about patronage as a form of becoming slavery) and the installation "Freedom of Speech" have been presented…
Nikolai Shmatko presented the triptych "Japan earthquake - tsunami, Fukushima"
The sculpture of the King of Marble has beautified The Luhansk National University
"The Most Holy Luhansk Mother of God" created by Nikolai Shmatko has been presented and consecrated…
The installation "The Ukrainian Potential" is represented as a woman who has grown old but cannot give birth to a child…
Nikolai Shmatko has represented the bust of President Viktor Yanukovich and made an emphasis on Alexander the Macedonian and Caligula
Special photographic coverage from the 2009 Florence Biennale of Contemporary Art (Florence, Italy)
Visit of Kurt Schmid, Professor of the Vienna Music Seminar, Honorary Doctor of the Luhansk National Pedagogical University, to the gallery of "Shmatko & Sons" (photo)
Nikolai Shmatko has presented the international project – the sculptural composition "Peace Express" and also...
Nikolai Shmatko presented the sculpture of Yulia Tymoshenko "Ukrainian Aurora" and the composition "Christ's Appearance to the Twelve Apostles" made of plaster
Nikolai Shmatko brought the award "Lorenzo il Magnifico" from Florence to Ukraine
Eugenia Tymoshenko and Sean Carr, a famous British rock musician, the son-in-law of Yulia Tymoshenko, visited the gallery...
The famous Ukrainian sculptor, King of Marble Nikolai Shmatko is going to create the statue of Bill Gates, the richest man of the world, and to present it to him personally
The leader of the Ukrainian People's Block Yuriy Kostenko met the famous sculptor and came to the gallery of sculptures during his visit to Luhansk
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